Do you think that’s maybe how the Lord reacts in heaven when you mess up and do something you shouldn’t be doing? LOL!
Aren’t you glad that Jesus didn’t give up on Peter when he denied Him 3 times just before the crucifixion? Do you remember how Jesus had prophesied to him that it would happen? But then also said that even though satan had desired to sift him like wheat, He had prayed for him.
And then Jesus confidently says to Simon Peter – when you are converted – when you have turned back, then strengthen your brothers. Jesus had no doubt that Peter would be restored. And then in one of Jesus post-resurrection appearances, He publically restores Peter.
It is an amazing revelation from Scripture that Jesus is now seated post-ascension on the right hand of the Majesty on High, and ever lives to make intercession for us.
He is calling our names out before the Father. What is praying? He is praying mercy. He is praying that all the blessings of the New Covenant in His blood would be made manifest in our lives. He is praying that nothing would derail our destiny, prepared for us in Christ from before the foundation of the world – from before the creation of time itself.
And not only is Jesus interceeding in heaven for us, but He has sent the Holy Spirit, whom Scriptrue reveals in Romans 8 also interceeds for us – even at times with groanings and travail that cannot be uttered in order to strenghten the son and daughter of God in the time of their weakness.
Scripture declares: “If God is for us, who can be against us!” Romans 8:31. It goes on to say that the One who did not spare His own Son, will also freely and graciously give us all things.
Jesus is interceeding for us from heaven. The Holy Spirit in us is interceeding for us from earth. What a winning combination!! It will cause ALL THINGS to work together for our good because we love God and are called according to His plan and divine purpose.
All the promises of God are in Christ YES and AMEN! When we come into agreement with Jesus our High Priest, Advocate, and Surety of the New Covenant – yield to the intercession of the Spirit in us – and in faith say YES and AMEN to the promises that are ours through Jesus’ blood – then IT WILL BE SO, and IT WILL BE DONE!
ALL THINGS will come into alignment with His will for our lives and we will walk triumphantly in victory on the earth, until we have departed this life and hear Him say – WELL DONE!
This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 at 12:49 am
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Tags: discipleship, grace, mercy, spiritual growth
Posted in: Discipleship
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