Category : Present Truth

What is present truth? Taken from 2 Peter 1:12, simply put, it is truth from Scripture God is revealing and emphasizing in any season or generation to his people for the purpose of initiating new things, transforming his church, igniting revival, restoration and reformation, and ultimately advancing his Kingdom in the nations. When this happens, […]

In God’s original intent, He created Adam and Eve in His own image with the capacity to birth a race of immortals who would carry out a dominion mandate beginning from the Garden of Eden to be fruitful, increase in number, fill the earth, subdue it, and rule over all creation. Has this Genesis Mandate […]

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it can be the doorway to revelation for you. It’s an eager desire to know; inquisitiveness. When approaching the study of seemingly difficult subjects to understand or interpret in the Scriptures, it is vitally important to ask the right questions like a detective seeking to solve a crime, […]

A computing platform is a sort of hardware architecture and software framework such as Windows that allows software to run. Typical platforms include a computer’s architecture, operating system, programming languages and related user interface. A platform is a crucial element in software development. A platform might be simply defined as a place to launch software. […]

An old story has a husband asking his wife, “Honey, why do you cut off the ends of a roast before you cook it?” “Because my mother did it that way,” she responded with a smile. Curious, the husband called the wife’s mother and asked her the same question. When she gave an identical answer, […]

There’s an old adage that says “choose your battles wisely.” And one battle that I’m engaged in on a regular basis is with the religious spirit. I cannot stand this spirit and am fed up with its destructive effect on emerging leaders, along with many others. It works with witchcraft, deception, seduction, control and manipulation. […]