Tag : leadership

THIS MESSAGE I RECEIVED FROM ONE OF MY SONS IN AFRICA TOUCHED AND BLESSED ME SO MUCH TODAY!!! “If my biologic father were alive, he would hug you and tell you, THANKS FOR GIVING MY SON THE OPPORTUNITY TO WALK TO HIS DESTINY. Thank you for being my special father. The same grace, the same, […]

With the rise of homosexuality in Full Gospel, Pentecostal, Baptist, and other churches, let me pitch this idea to you as to why it may be on the increase, and why it is even affecting many bishops and other leaders in some organizations. Apostolic succession is a doctrine in some circles that teaches in order […]

If you are a true apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is not whether you will be tempted with pride, but when and how. Using Paul as one whose life and apostolic ministry we teach apostolic principles and patterns from, we can see that this is something he had to deal with. Apostles are […]

I just want to encourage today married couples who are in ministry. Don’t let the ministry make you a casualty and a divorce statistic! Ministry will always have levels of stress associated with it, depending on your assignment. Anyone who tells you otherwise has not been in ministry. I know there are some who will […]

“I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me and that all will then go well for them and for their children after them.” Jeremiah 32;39 NIV When a leader begins to embrace the apostolic because he/she has received some revelation from a conference, buy osteoporosis product usa, […]