The true nature of an apostle and apostolic people should be like a two-sided coin: on one side is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah representing boldness, authority and dominion. On the other side is the Lamb of God representing brokenness and humility, and access to God’s grace, with God resisting the proud, but giving grace to the humble.
These two aspects of Christ must be in the character of every apostle, with the Lion nature arising out of the Lamb nature. Without this, the seeming boldness of an apostle can actually be more carnal aggressiveness and ambition, with the danger a spirit of control and manipulation taking charge.
In Revelation 5 John sees first the Lion, but then it is actually the Lamb that takes the scroll from the Father’s hand and begins to open it’s seals. Some heavenly scrolls of revelation will only be opened with the Lamb’s nature.
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